10 Places You Dont Need A Good Credit Score


There are lots of places where a poor credit score doesn't haunt you. As a matter of fact, at these places, no one cares if your score is 395 or 819.

1. In your backyard as you throw a Frisbee or baseball with your son. He's glad to be with you.

2. On an evening walk, hand in hand with your spouse or significant other. He or she would prefer to talk and connect.

3. On your sofa as your baby daughter coos and giggles when you tickle her toes.

4. Down at the food bank when you help distribute meals to hungry families. That family doesn't care if you were 4 days late on your credit card bill.

5. In the hospital as you go to give comfort to a person fighting cancer. Nope, it doesn't matter here either.

6. In your church or synagogue as you volunteer to help the elderly. They're glad to not be forgotten.

7. At the local school, as you volunteer to help make props or costumes for the Spring Musical. Kids spell love T-I-M-E.

8. At a friend's home, where you took them a meal as the mom recovered from surgery. Everyone appreciates a lovingly prepared, home-cooked meal.

9. At the little old lady next door's home, where you voluntarily trimmed her shrubs and maybe even mowed her yard. She's been too embarrassed to ask for help.

10. At work, where you picked up a co-worker's shift so he or she could attend an important family event. Spread a little love to their whole family!

Your credit score is important if you plan to use credit in the future. Even if you don't care what your credit score is, you DO need to remain concerned about the legacy you leave behind when it comes to the people you've touched.